Nose Surgery Case Study

Case study: Sandra Gabriel

Sandra always disliked her profile. For a long time she had considered undergoing rhinoplasty. She also suffered from difficult or obstructed breathing because her septum was blocking her nasal airway. This problem can be corrected by stbefore and after nose surgery sydneyraightening the septum inside the nose or removing the deviated part of the septum to open both airways and ensure easy breathing through both nostrils.

In Sandra’s case, I straightened the septum, and this was easily corrected during surgery.

During the consultation, I conducted a computer analysis of Sandra’s nose. This enabled me to know exactly what Sandra wanted and to give her a clear idea of what she could expect after her rhinoplasty procedure.

We discussed alterations to her nasal tip, her nasal dorsum, her nasal width, nasal bridge, and her nasal base. I advised her on the different possibilities and the best options to suit her preference.

Sandra’s septo-rhinoplasty operation took two hours to complete and was performed on an outpatient basis under general anaesthesia. Discomfort was minimal and was managed with oral medications and application of ice to reduce swelling in the early post-operative period.

After the operation Sandra needed to rest completely for two days. She returned to work after the first week as her job did not involve strenuous activities like lifting heavy objects. The total cost of the operation was $6,900 (Sandra’s private fund has hospital cover) and this included the surgeon fee, assistant surgeon fee, anaesthetist fee and all follow-up visits.

Today, Sandra is thrilled with the results and is a model and winning beauty pageants. If you are considering nose surgery, a personal consultation with a specialist in the field is the best way to obtain any additional information you need.

“Hey guys! Just wanted to thank you so very much for doing such an amazing job on my rhinoplasty, it has been almost 2 weeks since the surgery & it is still very swollen yet I already love it! Cannot imagine how the final look will be! To anyone considering Rhinoplasty, Dr Laith Barnouti is truly the absolute best! 5 stars!”