Thigh Lift Before and After Gallery

Sagging skin is usually caused by weight loss, but the natural ageing process also causes the skin to lose elasticity. Both men and women often find that the thighs, in particular, lose their firmness as the layers of muscle become thinner. In such cases, a thigh lift can help to restore and tighten these areas, giving a much firmer, youthful look and leaving the patient more confident to wear fitted trousers as well as skirts and shorts.
A thigh lift is a well-tolerated procedure that can help improve the contour of the medial portion of the upper leg by removing excess skin and fatty tissue. Often combined with liposuction, this procedure can help refine the thigh to a more shapely, youthful appearance. Scarring from the thigh lift is concealed in the groin area and the inner aspect of the thigh.

Plastic surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries inherent risks and potential complications. Please read our Risks and Complications of Plastic Surgery page.

Thigh lift surgery: excessive tissue is removed and the skin tightened.
This patient had a thigh lift and liposuction.
This patient had abdominoplasty and thigh lift surgery.
I generally prefer to do circumferential thigh liposuction and allow the skin to contract for six months. It can be followed by a thigh lift, should it be required. A two-stage procedure generally produces a shorter thigh scar than a one-stage procedure.