Breast Augmentation (Implants)

Breast augmentation increases or balances breast size and restores volume by inserting implants beneath the breast tissue. It can be either a cosmetic or a reconstructive procedure and can be combined with a breast lift to correct sagginess.

Your Consultation

We encourage you to bring your partner or a family member to Sydney for the first consultation with us to help you make the right decision about your surgery.

During your consultation, we will review your full medical history including lifestyle, breastfeeding history, size and volume preferences, and family planning.

A full breast examination will be performed with specific attention to key measurements such as:

  • The distance from the nipple to the inframammary crease;
  • The transverse diameter (the horizontal distance around the breast);
  • The height of the breast and the accurate desired position of the inframammary fold.

After a comprehensive evaluation, taking precise measurements and a detailed discussion, we will determine if you’re a suitable candidate for the procedure.

If so, you’ll be given assorted implants in different shapes and sizes to try on. To help with this process, we recommend you bring a sports bra to your consultation. This will help you get a better idea of the desired look and feel of your breast augmentation so you can make the right decision.

Based on your preferences, we will select the ideal size, shape and projection of your implants together and determine the best surgical approach.

We may also use computer analysis to help explain your wishes and ensure the results meet your expectations.

Before After Photos - Breast Augmentation

Breast Implants
Before After Photos

The Surgery

There are six main steps to surgery.

Step 1: Marking the correct position for the implants.

To start with, Dr Barnouti will mark the breasts outlining the correct position for the incisions.

Step 2: Incisions for the implants

After cleansing the skin with an antiseptic agent and draping the area with sterile sheets, he will make a small incision about 4cm long, either in the lower portion of the crease where the tissue meets the chest (an inframammary incision), around the nipple or in the armpit. We will advise you on the best approach during your initial consultation.

Step 3: Creating a pocket for the implants

The third step is to create a pocket through the incision. The pocket size is carefully created to fit the selected implant. This pocket can be created under the muscle (for sub-muscular implants), under the tissue (for sub-glandular implants) or half under the muscle and half under the tissue (known as dual plane implants).

Dr Barnouti prefers to use the dual plane approach to create the pocket for implants. This is the latest technique in enlargement and offers the advantages of both the sub-muscular and sub-glandular techniques.

Step 4: Inserting the implants

Once the pocket has been created, Dr Barnouti inserts the selected implants into their pockets and checks the breasts for symmetry. This often involves sitting the patient up while still under sedation to see how the implants look under the influence of gravity.

This check ensures the implants sit well in their pockets and look natural, both when you’re lying down and when you’re standing or sitting up.

Step 5: Closing the incisions

The incisions are then closed using self-dissolving stiches, so you won’t have to deal with the inconvenience of having them removed.

Step 6: Fitting a compression garment or special bra

We will fit you with a compression garment or special enlargement bra to aid the healing process. Compression garments provide support and comfort, minimise swelling, and help keep the implants correctly positioned.

The operation will take between one and two hours, depending on the complexity of the case.

How much do Breast Implants Cost?

Procedure Price Estimate Conditions/ Comments
Breast Augmentation / Enlargement $10,990 – $11,990 Your choice of teardrop or round implants. The cost includes surgeon, implants, medical bra,  anaesthetist & 6 weeks follow up. Lifetime warranty of implants for rupture/leak. Additional hospital/Day surgery fees apply around $3000 
Breast lift / Mastopexy     $13,990-$17,990 This price includes surgeon fee, anaesthetist fee, surgical bra and 6 weeks follow up fees if Private health rebate is applicable.  If Private health rebates do not apply to your situation, count on around $4,200 for hospital/ day surgery fees.  If applicable, you may get around $750 rebate back from Medicare.
Combined breast lift and breast implant $14,990-$18,990 This price includes surgeon fee, round implants, anaesthetist, surgical bra and 6 weeks follow up fees. If fund cover does not apply in your situation, plan for further hospital costs of around $4,500. If applicable, you may get around $750 rebate back from Medicare.
Breast reduction $14,990-$18,990 This price includes surgeon fee, anaesthetist & 6 weeks follow up fees. If fund cover does not apply in your situation, plan for further hospital costs of around $4,800. If applicable, you may get around $750 rebate back from Medicare.
Removal and replacement of breast implants (with capsulectomy and/or change of pocket) $8,990-$13,990 This price covers the operation, new implants, anaesthetic, surgical bra and  6 weeks follow up. If fund cover does not apply in your situation, plan for additional hospital costs of around $2,900. If applicable, you may get around $600 rebate back from Medicare.
Removal of Breast implants   $7,990-$10,990 This price covers the operation, the anaesthetic & 6 weeks follow up. If fund cover does not apply in your situation, plan for additional costs of around $2,900.  If applicable, you may get around $600 rebate back from Medicare.

Postoperative Care Instructions for Breast Augmentation

Wound Care:

  •  Keep dressings clean and dry.
  •  Sponge bath only till your follow-up appointment 57 days after surgery
  •  Avoid submerging incisions in water (baths, swimming pools, hot tubs) until fully healed. That is 6 weeks after surgery.
  •  Sutures are dissolvable and do not require removal.
  • Keep a medical bra on you for 6 weeks


  •  Rest and take it easy for the first few days after surgery
  •  No heavy lifting (greater than 5kg), straining or vigorous exercise for 6 weeks
  •  Gentle walking is encouraged to promote circulation and prevent blood clots
  •  Sleep on your back with your upper body slightly elevated for comfort and to reduce swelling
  •  Avoid driving while taking prescription pain medication


  •  Take pain and antibiotic medications as prescribed
  •  Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen or any products containing them for 2 weeks after surgery unless otherwise instructed
  •  Resume other regular medications if you have any.


  • Wear a post-surgical bra for 6 weeks or until instructed otherwise
  • You can remove for 3060min a day for wash and dry.
  • Avoid underwire bras for 6 weeks

When to Call:

  •  Fever
  •  Chills
  •  Increasing redness, swelling, bleeding or bruising around incisions
  •  Excessive pain not controlled by medication
  •  Discharge from incisions

Follow Up:

  • Postop appointment 57 days after
  • The final results are usually 6 weeks after surgery.


As with any surgery, there will be some pain and swelling afterwards. Most swelling should subside within a few days, but some swelling may persist for up to six weeks.

You’ll be given a prescription for oral antibiotics and analgesia to take home.

To help speed up the healing process, the operation area needs to be kept dry for one week. During this time you can have sponge baths.

A compression bandage must be worn on the chest for approximately 24 hours after surgery for fast and effective healing.
You will need to keep the dressing on and keep it dry for one week.

The stitches are generally reabsorbable, so they will not need to be removed, and the bruising should subside in one to three weeks.
After that, you will need to wear a sports bra for four to six weeks. Scarring is minimal and often becomes virtually invisible over time.

For your health and safety, strict post-surgery protocol is maintained in our clinic. Recovery is fast, and you should be able to go home three to four hours after surgery. However, you will need to be picked up from the surgery as you can’t drive for 24 hours after sedation.

A follow-up visit will be arranged one week after surgery. Your dressing will be changed and you’ll be able to have a shower and pat dry the area

You’ll have to rest completely for 48 hours after surgery and may experience a burning sensation during this time.

You can go back to work three to seven days after surgery. However, you must avoid any strenuous activity, including heavy lifting, for approximately four weeks because such activities may delay healing or damage your implants.

Plastic surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries inherent risks and potential complications.

Please read our Risks and Complications of Plastic Surgery page.

Animated Video Showing Surgical Procedure

Breast Implants FAQ

No. Although we usually use  implants, enlargement is now possible without implants through fat injections and Macrolane biosynthetic products.

You can get more information about the latest techniques and expected outcomes during a private consultation at one of our Sydney clinics.

During your first consultation, we will help you choose the right implant for you and your lifestyle including the ideal shape, texture, profile, width, height and volume.

We use only the best implants

There are many different manufacturers of implants around the world, but we use only American, European and Brazilian-made implants that have an excellent reputation worldwide.

Here’s an overview of the options to help you better understand the process:

Traditional round implants

Round implants can be either smooth or textured. For under the muscle enlargements, there’s no significant difference between using smooth or textured implants, However, for above muscle enlargements, we usually recommend textured round or teardrop implants.

Teardrop breast implants

Also known as natural implants or anatomical implants, teardrop implants produce a very natural shape.

Brazilian breast implants are similar to silicone with an additional layer of polyurethane-foam that creates a suede-like feel to the outer shell. Hence they are often called ‘furry’  implants.

These are another excellent choice because they reduce the risk of capsular contracture which is caused by our body’s natural defence against a foreign object in the body. Sometimes when a foreign object such as an implant is introduced, our bodies try to create a capsule (or lining) of tissue to wrap around the implant and keep it away. This is a normal part of having implants but sometimes the contracture becomes too tight, or smaller than the implant causing problems.

Brazilian implants are a good choice for women who require revision surgery for contracture which has caused the breast tissue to harden around other implants.

The latest silicone implants are far superior to saline implants in terms of feel, shape and longevity which is why we usually recommend them.

Silicone implants are made from a rubber shell filled with a highly cohesive silicone gel making them lighter, softer and more natural feeling than saline implants.

Book a consultation with Dr Barnouti to talk about your wishes and work out which implants are most suitable for you.

There are three common incisions used in performing enlargements and positioning implants. The most common is an incision directly under the breast. Alternative options are making an incision around the nipple or in the armpit.

Dr Barnouti will select the position of your incision to suit your anatomy and the type of implants you select.

Exact Millimetric Measurements - Breast Augmentation Exact Millimetric Measurements - Breast Augmentation

Dr Barnouti prides himself in breast enlargements that look natural, and he uses very exact measurements to ensure your new breasts meet your expectations. The technique he uses was developed in Europe and is being successfully practiced there, in the USA and in our Sydney surgeries.

Our implants have a lifelong guarantee against rupture or leak. Rupture of implants is very rare these days due to improved manufacturing technology. Silicone implants contain a highly cohesive gel which, in the highly unlikely event of breakage, will not leak into the breast tissue.

He favours this technique because it creates natural looking breasts and reduces the risk of contractures.

During the dual implants process, the muscle is released from its lowest origin in the inferior and lower medial portions of the breast area and elevated to the superior aspect of the implant pocket. Because of this, the implant is allowed to rest behind the tissue in the lower aspect of the pocket. In this way, the muscle shields the upper implant so it is not easily seen or felt.

The dual-plane implant position allows the implant to fill out the breast in the lower region, behind the nipple, to create a desirable teardrop shape and natural-looking breasts.

Another benefit is that the muscle can massage the implant in the superior portion of the pocket which reduces the risk of capsular contractures that may cause problems with other techniques.

The position of the incisions and resulting scars in the armpit, around the areola or under the breast crease mean augmentation scars are fairly well hidden. New scars can be red and raised directly after surgery but will fade slowly over a few months.

It may take up to a year before the scars settle completely but over time they will continue to fade and often become barely noticeable.

Why choose Dr Barnouti for your Breast Surgery?


Dr. Barnouti is a FRACS-certified plastic surgeon who prioritizes your safety. He and his team adhere to strict safety and ethical standards, ensuring you’re in the best hands.


He has performed breast surgery thousands of times and is highly respected in this specialised field. He is an acknowledged expert and is frequently asked to speak on the subject at medical conferences in Sydney and overseas.

He holds academic appointments as a Specialist Plastic Surgeon in Public & Private Hospitals in Sydney , and he is the Conjoint Lecturer at University of NSW.

Dr. Barnouti’s tailored approach includes careful consideration of incision placement, implant type, size, texture, and more, ensuring the desired outcome.

Choose Dr. Barnouti for his commitment to safety, outstanding reputation, and exceptional results tailored to your needs. Book your consultation today.