Rhinoplasty – Information and Costs

Rhinoplasty is both a technical and creative plastic surgery procedure. While it can change the external appearance of your nose, it can also alter how you breathe. During your first consultation, you’ll have a chance to meet your surgeon Dr Barnouti MBBS, FRACS (Plas), undergo a thorough examination and get his guidance on the best techniques to address your needs.

Face and Neck Surgery Before/After

Before After Photos

How much does rhinoplasty cost?

Procedure Price Estimate Conditions/ Comments
Rhinoplasty $10,990-$14,990 This price covers the cost of the surgery, anaesthetic & 6 weeks follow up.  If Private hospital cover does not apply, plan for additional hospital costs of around $4,000. If applicable, you may get around $600 rebate back from Medicare.
Septorhinoplasty (incl. turbinate reduction if required) $13,990-$18,990 This price covers the cost of the surgery, anaesthetic & 6 weeks follow up.  If Private hospital cover does not apply, plan for additional hospital costs of around $4,900. If applicable, you may get around $900 rebate back from Medicare.

Reasons for Surgery

Changing the appearance of your nose

Some patients wish to reduce or increase the size of their nose, change the shape of the tip or the bridge, narrow the span of their nostrils, or change the angle between their nose and upper lip. Others are more focused on improving their ability to breathe.

Closed Rhinoplasty is performed from inside the nose producing no visible scars.

Open Rhinoplasty involves an incision at the base of the columella, the flesh which separates the nostrils. This allows the skin on the nose to be lifted so the procedure can be performed under the surgeon’s direct vision.

Septoplasty and turbinectomy procedures may also be performed on patients who need to breathe easier through their nose.

Improving your ability to breathe through your nose

There are two main reasons why breathing through the nose can be problematic:

  • A deviated septum which can be corrected by septoplasty;
  • An enlarged turbinate which can be corrected by turbinectomy.

What is Septoplasty?

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct a deviated septum and make breathing easier. Many of our patients suffer from obstructed breathing because their septum, which is the wall between their nasal passages, is displaced to one side or blocks a nasal airway.

This issue may have been present since birth or it may be the result of a broken nose or other accident.

Septoplasty corrects the problem, either by straightening the septum or by removing the deviated part of the septum. This opens both airways and ensures you can breathe easily through both nostrils.

What is a Turbinectomy?

Turbinates are long, narrow passages inside the nose which help warm and moisten air as it flows in. Turbinates may become enlarged due to chronic sinus inflammation, environmental irritants or allergies. However, if one or more turbinates gets bigger this commonly leads to restricted breathing with symptoms such as snoring, nasal congestion or facial pain.

A turbinectomy reduces the size of the turbinate to make breathing easier. It is usually performed at the same time as rhinoplasty to improve and facilitate breathing

Specialist Types of Rhinoplasty


For a smaller nose, reduction rhinoplasty reduces size or changes shape. This procedure involves cutting away excessive cartilage and bone and then letting the natural skin envelope shrink down to a smaller framework.

Dr Barnouti’s primary focus when performing this procedure is to create a smaller, natural-looking nose while maintaining good breathing capacity.


Its underlying cartilage and bony architecture produce the shape and size of your nose. Therefore, smaller noses can only be enlarged by precisely placing grafts from your own tissue or implant materials such as silicone, Gortex or medpore. Our Asian clients most commonly request augmentation rhinoplasty and our focus is on creating a natural-looking nose.


Reshaping can address a wide range of issues and may focus on the shape of the tip, the bridge, or the root of the nose.

Depending on the exact issue and shape modification required, reshaping rhinoplasty can be addressed through simple non-invasive techniques. However, in some cases, a surgical procedure may be required.

Combined Rhinoplasty/Septoplasty/Turbinate reduction

Also known as Septorhinoplasty with Turbinectomy, this procedure balances the shape of the nose and improves breathing ability.

During surgery, care will be taken to ensure that the front and side views of your new nose are equally appealing while improving breathing functionality.

Dr Barnouti will consider your facial proportions, skin thickness, cartilaginous rigidity and bony formations.

While working on the appearance of your nose, the nasal septum and turbinates may also need attention to improve breathing.

Dr Barnouti will advise you on the best approach for your individual needs during your initial consultation.

Your initial consultation

During your first consultation, your full medical history will be taken. Dr Barnouti will discuss your goals and wishes and then thoroughly examine your nose.

Based on this information he’ll determine whether you’re suitable for a soft treatment or whether you require a surgical solution. In many cases, a soft treatment, such as filler to augment the size of your nose, can be provided on the same day of the consultation.

During the consultation, we will use computer analysis to show you the different options and give you a clear idea of what to expect after your procedure.

You’ll be able to discuss possible alterations to the nasal tip, dorsum, width, bridge, and base size.

What happens during surgery?

During surgery, Dr Barnouti will sculpt and reshape the framework of cartilage and bone, either through closed rhinoplasty which leaves no visible scar, or through open rhinoplasty which will leave a small scar at the base of the flesh in between your nostrils.

How long does it take to recover from surgery?

A splint or cast will be applied immediately after surgery.

The area will be sensitive to touch for the first few days with some bruising for seven to ten days following surgery, with bruising usually peaking two to three days after surgery.

Cold compresses or ice packs will be applied for the first 24 hours to minimise swelling and bruises and help accelerate the healing process.

If there are stitches, they will be removed five to seven days after surgery. After that time most patients do not need further dressings.

How soon can I get back to work and regular activities?

You will need to rest completely for two days after surgery. You can return to work after the first week provided your job does not involve strenuous activities like lifting heavy objects.

Intense physical activity should be avoided for about a month due to the vulnerability of the nose during this time.

What are the risks associated with this procedure?

Plastic surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries inherent risks and potential complications.

Please read our Risks and Complications of Plastic Surgery page.

Animated Video showing Rhinoplasty Procedure

How to Book?
Call us on free phone 1300 002 006 if you are outside Sydney or 9561 0222 if you’re in the Sydney area