Face/Neck Lift – Information and Costs

Face/Neck Lift
Before After Photos

How much does a facelift cost?

Procedure Price Estimate Conditions/ Comments
MiniFacelift/S-lift/MACS lift $12,900-$15,900 This price includes surgeon fee, anaesthetic fee & 6 weeks follow up. It does not include hospital/day surgery fees of $3,900.
Full (SMAS) Facelift and Neck lift $17,900-$22,990 This price includes surgeon fee, anaesthetic fee & 6 weeks follow up. Additional hospital fees applies.
Full SMAS Facelift/necklift, browlift & upper eyelid correction. $22,990-$29,990 This price includes surgeon fee, anaesthetic fee & 6 weeks follow up. Additional hospital fees apply.
Complete SMAS Facelift, neck lift, upper eyelid, lower eyelid surgery, browlift, laser skin resurfacing) and/or fat graft. $28,990-$35,990 This price includes surgeon fee, anaesthetic fee & 6 weeks follow up. Additional hospital fees apply.

To find out if the procedure is right for you, book a consultation with Dr Barnouti MBBS, FRACS (Plas) in one of our three Sydney clinics.

Or read on for more information about what the procedure involves and the costs.

Animated Video Showing Facelift Procedure

For most people, ageing leads to the loss of volume in the mid-face region. Many of the women and men who come to us for a face or neck lift patients are also concerned about:

  • Jawline definition including vertical bands around the neck or a blunt angle below the jaw;
  • Excess neck tissue which is visible as fullness in the neck;
  • Deep lines or wrinkles around the eyelids and/or mouth.

While old-fashioned techniques just pulled back the skin, modern face and neck lifts focus on shifting facial volumes.

By using the latest techniques, the procedure  creates minimal scarring. It may also include other treatments such as:

  • Skin resurfacing;
  • Targeted liposuction;
  • Volumetric restoration using fat injection;
  • Laser;
  • TCA peels.

If appropriate for your skin type and concerns, these treatments act as a compliment to your surgical procedures.

There are four types of facelift. We’ll help you work out which is the right solution for you during your consultation.

Mini Facelift – This involves a small incision in the hairline only. Recovery time is two to five days and the resulting scar will be hidden above the hairline.

Short Scar Facelift – Also known as an S lift or MACS lift. The incision is made at the junction of the ear and the side of the cheek but finishes at the earlobe and does not extend behind the ear. Recovery time is five to eight days and there will be no scar behind the ear.

Full Facelift – Also known as an SMAS face and neck lift. The incision is at the junction of the ear and cheek and behind the ear creating what is known as an omega scar. This is a longer and more expensive procedure with a recovery time of eight to fourteen days.

Complete SMAS Facelift – This includes a facelift, neck lift, fat transfer, brow lift, skin resurfacing, lower blepharoplasty and upper blepharoplasty.

You’re welcome to bring your partner, a family member or friend to your initial consultation if you’d like support. We also recommend you bring a photo of yourself in your twenties or thirties and preferably not smiling. This will help Dr Barnouti gauge the effects of ageing on your face.

During the first consultation, Dr Barnouti will take your full medical history, examine you and discuss your goals and lifestyle in detail. His aim is to ensure that you are a suitable candidate for plastic surgery and establish realistic outcomes.

Dr Barnouti will assess your current facial balance including:

  • Skin quality;
  • Skin appearance;
  • Position of facial lines;
  • Facial bone structure.

He considers this meticulous analysis of the patient’s facial form to be one of the most interesting and complex aspects of plastic surgery.

Once he has considered your needs, Dr Barnouti will thoroughly explain the options and answer all your questions. He will also take time to establish your expectations and explain the difference between facial rejuvenation and facial recontouring so you know exactly what to expect.

Surgery can be performed under general or local anaesthetic and takes from 90 minutes to six hours depending on the extent of the procedure.

With most facelifts, the surgeon first makes the incision and then separates the skin from the fat and muscle below. Fat may be trimmed or liposuctioned from around the neck and chin to improve the contour of the face.

The surgeon then tightens the underlying muscle and membrane. Volume is usually added to certain areas such as the cheek bones for enhancement.

Other complimentary procedures may also be undertaken, such as work on the tear troughs or eyelids, or cheek enhancement surgery. This will be discussed during your first consultation and carried out with your explicit agreement.

When Dr Barnouti is satisfied with the results, the incisions are closed using dissolvable stitches so you don’t need to go through the inconvenience of removing them.

  • Blepharoplasty – Eyelid surgery on the upper and/or lower eyelids;
  • Neck lift, fat suction and recontouring;
  • Brow lift;
  • Lip lift, augmentation, resurfacing or combination;
  • Tear trough procedure to decrease the appearance of a displeasing groove under the eyes;
  • Cheek bone enhancement with fat transfer or cheek implants;
  • Smoothening the nasolabial folds and marionette lines which are sometimes called smile lines;
  • Rhinoplasty or nose reshaping;
  • Chin reshaping;
  • Laser treatment;
  • Soft treatments;
  • Lipofilling;
  • Fat injections;
  • Neck liposuction.

If a general anaesthetic was used, you’ll need to stay in hospital overnight. If only a local aesthetic and sedation were used you can go home the same day, as long as you have someone to look after you.

You’ll need to wear a bandage covering the treated area for 24 hours.

You’ll be booked for an appointment with Dr Barnouti five to seven days after surgery to make sure you’re healing well and feeling comfortable. Since the stiches are usually dissolvable, they do not need to be taken out.

Temporary bruising under the eyes is common and will go down slowly after the first week. For the first few days or weeks, your face will feel stiff and look artificially tightened. This will ease naturally in time and you can speed up the process by applying cold compresses.

You’ll need to rest completely for the first 48 hours and avoid sudden head movements. Normal activity can be resumed about five days after a mini face lift, eight days after a short scar facelift and fourteen days after a full face and neck lift.

Plastic surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries inherent risks and potential complications.

Please read our Risks and Complications of Plastic Surgery page.

How to Book?
Call us on free phone 1300 002 006 if you are outside Sydney or 9561 0222 if you’re in the Sydney area